FOR ESPRESSO MACHINES![Renew Descaler Direction Espresso]()
- Add contents of sachet to 1L of warm water, dissolve, and then pour into water tank.
- Remove filter holder and turn machine on.
- Place cup under brew spout and run out about 1 cup of the descaling solution. Run about a ¼ cup out through the steam arm. (For fully automatic machines run all the solution through the steam wand and set on hot water not the steam setting).
- Allow to stand for 15 minutes, and then repeat the process. Repeat the entire process until all the solution is used up.
- Rinse thoroughly by flushing one tank of clean fresh water through the system exiting through the brew head and the steam wand.
FOR KETTLES![Renew Descaler Direction Kettle]()
- Fill kettle 3/4 full of potable water
- Add 1 sachet (25g) Renew Descaler
- Boil the kettle
- Discard boiled solution
- Rinse and boil again with fresh water
FOR COFFEE BREWERS![Renew Descaler Direction Coffee]()
- Add contents of sachet to 1L of warm water and dissolve
- Refer to manufacturer’s instructions
- Rinse with fresh water
Fellow Kettles®*, Brewista®*, Bonavita®*, *These are the registered trademarks of their respective owners and are not associated with Cafetto®. Renew is recommended for removing hard water scale from espresso machine boilers, coffee and milk delivery lines, domestic coffee machines and kettles.
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